Comprehensive Support Services for Residential and Commercial Properties

At Kaizen Controls, we not only provide comprehensive automation solutions for commercial and residential properties, but we also offer ongoing support services to ensure that our clients’ systems are always running smoothly. Our support services include interim support, contract work, consulting, and more. Whether you need assistance with troubleshooting, maintenance, or system upgrades, our experienced team is always available to help. We understand the importance of having reliable and functional automation systems, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of support to ensure their satisfaction and peace of mind.

Building Management Systems

Our Building Management Systems are designed with open architecture in mind. This means that our control systems are not limited to one vendor, providing you with the flexibility to choose from a variety of support and servicing options. In addition to vendor flexibility, open architecture allows our systems to connect with almost any hardware, system, or machine. This feature provides seamless integration between your control system and other building systems, allowing for enhanced functionality and control.

Custom Programming

As certified and authorized installers for multiple control platforms from industry-leading manufacturers, we at Kaizen Controls have extensive experience working with a range of hardware and software solutions. Our team of experts is trained and knowledgeable in each of these systems, allowing us to provide our clients with a variety of solutions to fit their unique needs. With our extensive experience and expertise, we are able to offer efficient and effective installation and support for a range of control platform

Data Visualization

We provide user-friendly and accessible interfaces for control systems, including front-end graphical user interfaces as a standard part of our installations. We can also create customized dashboards, user interfaces, and wall thermostat and control displays. Our team of experts excels in integrating various systems and databases to ensure seamless communication and a streamlined user experience. With their expertise, clients can efficiently manage control systems and optimize energy usage, ultimately reducing costs.

Energy Management

At Kaizen Controls, our Building Management Systems are designed to help our clients effectively manage their energy usage, reduce costs, and achieve their sustainability goals. With real-time monitoring, control, and trending of utilities, our systems provide accurate and timely data, which can be utilized for tenant billing and cost allocation as needed. By gaining valuable insights into their energy usage, our clients can make informed decisions about their energy consumption and identify opportunities for improvement.

HVAC / Lighting / Security

At Kaizen Controls, we specialize in designing and implementing control systems that can integrate various building systems into a single controller or platform, including HVAC, lighting, security, and access control. Our multi-purpose control systems allow our clients to manage all building systems from one central location, providing greater control, efficiency, and cost savings. With multiple systems consolidated into one, our clients benefit from reduced complexity, easier maintenance, and streamlined vendor management. This approach to building management also enables the integration of data from multiple systems, providing more comprehensive insights into building performance and enabling effective decision-making.

Remote Monitoring

At Kaizen Controls, we offer our clients worldwide remote servicing and management of their Building Management Systems. Our team of experts can troubleshoot, maintain, and upgrade your system through secure and encrypted connections, providing efficient and effective support without the need for on-site visits. With our proactive approach, we can automatically notify you if your system is not operating efficiently or has failed, enabling you to quickly address any issues and minimize downtime. Our remote management capabilities provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their systems are in good hands and that support is just a call or click away.


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